Now, let's talk about how the first-ever "Okylennye Hockey" tournament among men's teams concluded!
Four teams played in a round-robin format, battling for the tournament trophies 🤩. Each team featured experienced players, which undoubtedly impacted the speed of the game—matches were played with maximum intensity and drive. 🔥
It was incredibly exciting to watch the events unfold on the ice: unexpected combinations, "quick" goals, amazing saves by the goalkeepers—everything was there, and it was awesome!
But the result of every tournament is the position in the standings 😎
And the first-ever men's tournament ended with the following achievements written into the history of Inspired by Hockey:
🥇 Dynamite (Moscow)
🥈 Inspired (Local Team)
🥉 Rospressa (Moscow)
🥉 Vympel (Saint Petersburg)
The third spot was shared by two teams, as per the organizing decision 😎.
We thank all the participants for the incredible, thrilling hockey ❤️🔥.