In the final days of January in Penza at the Diesel Arena, five participating teams of the Vladimir Myshkin Women's Hockey Division Night League of Group B:
LUCH, Moscow
, Molniya, Penza
, Steel Foxes, Samara
, Phoenix, Yaroslavl
, Forward, Kazan
We played the final in our division!
The final stage table looks like this:
The fifth place was taken by the Phoenix team, the Steel Foxes became the fourth, the Lightning team was on the third line, the girls from the Forward team finished the stage in second place, and the LUCH team became the finalist and the winner of the stage!
Congratulations to the girls on their victory and reaching the finals!
The company "OKRYLENNYE" is the general sponsor of the final of the Vladimir Myshkin division.
We are looking forward to meeting with all the finalists in Moscow ✨